Hosting with SK in Your Home
For many of us, our home is our “safe place”, a retreat after a long day. By instinct, we fill it with the things that bring us joy and comfort: the colors we love, the textures we prefer, the books we enjoy and the foods we like most. Ironically, the idea of hosting people in our own homes can be scary. Opening up our space to others makes us vulnerable in a way few other things do. I think we can all agree that meeting up at a coffee shop feels way less risky!
But what would happen if we invited others in? How could we change the narrative about friendship, generosity, and connectedness? We’re here to let you know that opening up your home to others doesn’t have to be scary, and it doesn’t have to be perfect.
Christian hospitality is about creating a warm and welcoming environment for friends and strangers alike — a safe place for people to lay down their burdens and find refreshment for their hearts. Christian hospitality is about loving others with the kind of love God has shown through us. Hospitality is just as much about the posture of our heart as it is the opening of our home.
1 Peter 4:8-9 says “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without gambling”, and John 13:35 says “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”.
As you and your welcomed guests get settled on the couch with coffee or seated at the kitchen table with snacks from your pantry, pray that God would use your home and heart to bless the person across from you. Who knows? God could very well use the things you love (and make you feel most vulnerable) to be a gateway to someone else feeling safe and at home, too. Maybe He will use your SK Designs Coaster set to spark a conversation about marriage, or your 3D Block to initiate an honest dialogue about the complexities of friendship.
Maybe your home, your very own imperfect and precious home, will be just the environment someone needs to be their truest, most honest, loveliest self. Maybe your home will become someone else’s safe place, too.
- Joanna Shuffield