Instructions for Getting Your Blooms to Us
Before you send your blooms our way, be sure to take any charms and memorabilia off the bouquet.
Local Arkansas Brides
After your date is reserved, check your email for your order confirmation that will have your specific drop off address.
Please label your blooms with your first and last name before you drop them off at our LR residential address. There will be a covered porch at both locations with a plastic bin that you'll be able to place your blooms in if we are not around at that time!
Non-Local Brides
If you are not a local bride, we always recommend assigning a friend or family member to ship your blooms to us! After your date is reserved, check your email for your order confirmation that will have your specific shipping address. Please follow the instructions included in our email for packing your blooms up and shipping them to us. You can use any shipping carrier, such as UPS or FedEx. After you drop them in the mail, please email us with your tracking number.